Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Eyes Have It

"Your eye is so wise ... "

There are times when my eyes are drawn to an object that perhaps is out of place. They tend to fall upon individuals carrying sorrow and in need of supplemental energy. The eye itself assists me when trying to navigate both internally and externally. They say that the eye is a window to the soul. 

It is a function of the eye to assist and prepare, but the same can be true of the importance of the internal impact. As we hold the eyes open, knowledge, impressions, and beauty can flow through into our body, mind, and soul. The eyes then, can be seen as a passage way that can be entered and exited upon will.

Observing interactions of others, my eyes are a tool to feed information for higher understanding. Emotional nuances and facial expression would be lost if not seen. Then there is the spiritual aspect where my eyes look up into the sky and see what may or may not really be there. My eyes are a portal facilitating diverse depth into my soul.


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