Monday, September 12, 2016

Win or Learn

"I never lose,
I either win or learn."
Nelson Mandela

As our culture moves away from negativity and fear, our world opens up to positive learning.  The threat  of losing or being a loser is replaced by everyone either winning or learning.  We help each other succeed and celebrate others as they cultivate and master skills. 

We are all children of the Divine and if we applaud with each baby step and cheer as we pull ourselves up to walk, we move forward together.   Our observations of others will not be for competing, but for shared learning.  We will honor and respect our own special skills and do the same  for the unique skills of others.

Positive living while acknowledging the strengths of others, creates an atmosphere where everyone understands individual purpose and collective thriving.  We may be individually motivated, but our intentions are for everyone to prosper.  We must begin to broaden our perspectives in the present, and allow our kind actions stream into the collective.

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