Saturday, September 3, 2016

Living the Question

"There is an art to living your questions.  You peel them.
You listen to them. You let them spawn new questions.
You hold the unknowing inside.  You linger with it
instead of rushing into half-baked answers."
Sue Monk Kidd

When we become more active in our personal journey,  we become more aware of the Divine.  Our questions expand into deeper forms of prayer, meditation or contemplation.  When we linger with patience, the answers unfold with exquisite design.

When our focus is broad and our mind is open we encounter numerous scenarios. Deciding whether we are here by design or random chance, is not as important as understanding the now.  Through our thoughts, we are guided to authentic creative expression which stimulates a connection with all things.

Living our questions facilitates answers from various sources.   Listening with an open heart discerns what resonates as truth.   Not all answers are welcomed, but in time we grow to understand that Divine Sight sees farther than our own. 

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