Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Idiosyncratic Ideas

"A study of one hundred Roman Catholics revealed that, 
regardless of similar religious training, 
people develop idiosyncratic ideas about God."
Joan Borysenko
A Woman's Journey To God 

Images of God may be distorted or painful, depending upon childhood experiences.  If parents enhanced the child's sense of self, he or she tended to believe in a merciful God.  If a child experienced abusive parents, he or she was more likely to envision a mean God.  

The capability of our parents dictates our images of God, the world at large, place in community, and self awareness.  If we experience self-value, we embrace God through prayers and actions.  If we have been harmed, our low self appraisal will cause a disconnect with any relationship to God and others.

When childhood wounds are healed, our perspective shifts towards love of the self.    Instead of being closed off, we find courage to open up to others and learn of their experiences. When we regard our lovely selves as worthy, we begin to witness more spirituality and loving kindness in relationships.

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