Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Success by Design

"Visualizing your goal ~ whether it is simply to accomplish
each task on your agenda or make a large-scale lifestyle change ~
can help you remember what you are working so diligently for and why."
Daily Om

Shakti Gawain wrote the book Creative Visualization. Visualization is the practice of creating   positive scenarios to be revisited as often as possible.  Whether we hold an actual picture or a spread sheet in our mind, we consistently surround it with positive statements.  We may even see ourselves working fluidly towards our goal with ease and success.  It is important to allow our body to feel joy, love, respect, admiration, or completion.

We can support ourselves by reading inspirational material or creating our goals through writing, art, music or day dreaming.  To keep your visualization crisp and vitalizing, a friend may be taken into confidence for encouragement.  The relationship, however, is for supporting us, not redirecting our dreams.

It is ideal if we use creative visualization the moment we wake or prior to sleep.  Throughout the day we can flash on to our images for seconds at a time.  The use of affirmations are also powerful tools. Creative Visualization helps us to tap into our natural goodness and beauty in all of life.  It assists us in becoming a radiant being making positive changes in all areas of our lives.  


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