Thursday, September 8, 2016

Depths of Despair

"I hope you live a life you're proud of.
If you find that you're not, I hope you
have the courage to start all over again."
Eric Roth
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Screenplay

It is not until we change for the better that we realize how poorly we have been.  We are unaware of the screaming inside of our head and how tightly our fists are clenched.  The burning acid in our belly and the immobility of our shoulders and neck are felt more keenly when we are ready to face how rancid  emotions have been.

It isn't until time passes and we have safely transitioned into a better situation that we can honestly face the depths of our despair.  Even when we release avoidance and denial, the tentacles of fear do not remain at bay.  

To be frozen with indecision is much worse than gathering our wits and moving blindly into an unknown future.  When we dig ourselves out of the present situation, we best be prepared to actively recall what led us astray.  If not, we will find ourselves repeating the hellish lesson with even more despair.  It takes courage, my friend, to start all over again.

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