Friday, September 30, 2016

Door Unlocked

"When you notice your ego creating drama,
ask yourself, what am I avoiding in this moment?"

We enter a long awaited scenario to gather with friends, good food and even a glass of exceptional wine.  Every part of our being wants to be in attendance and to create memories to be stored.  We feel safe, special, and blessed to be present.

In spite of our intention, we hear snarky remarks escape from our lips followed by more detailed criticism.  Our tender heart feels this whiplash as our ego takes control.  Our mind is overloaded with negative thoughts as we wonder what trigger we may have stepped upon.

Silence briefly follows, and the rapport turns to friendly exchanges.  We welcome the pause to realign, wondering what the hell just happened.  We might immediately know what unlocked the door of fear or it may take days to unravel our gnarly outburst.  When understanding surfaces, we can love and heal our wound moving forward gently carrying our soul.

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