Saturday, September 17, 2016

God's Other Children

"I know there is strength in the differences between us.
I know there is comfort, where we overlap."
Ani DiFranco

In terms of diversity, I do believe all roads lead to one place.  Each road may offer differing experiences, but the end result will be a union for all.  As we are all unique human beings, it stands to reason we will not all respond to the same stimuli.  In our hearts we may strive for the same peace, but in our life we take different pathways.

Respect and honor is vitally important for each other.  Belief systems within a culture, may be worded differently yet similar.  When the message is heard with an open heart, it resonates within us.  If it does not, without judgment we travel on to search for what does.

Whether our viewpoints come from vision quests, church, or zip lining, they offer diverse ways to respond in our search of Divine. In our uniqueness, we can be exposed to options and discern which resonates best with our personal journey.   When we grow secure and open in our own beliefs, we find room to be compatible with God's other children.

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