Friday, September 9, 2016

Imposed or Solicited Change

"One of the greatest regrets in life is being
what others would want you to be,
rather than being yourself."  
Shannon L. Alder

A Roman Catholic Nun left the Benedictine convent and no longer was a teacher at my elementary school.  I watched her trying to adjust to life outside of her religious community.  At the academy, I had the privilege of having a gentleman for a teacher who had been a farmer, factory worker and then back to school to finish his degree.  I listened carefully to his caution to be aware of who was leading our life.  My college English professor was a stay at home mom raising two young daughters until her husband suddenly died, and she returned to teaching.  I could hear the pain in her voice as she searched for words to fit her new situation.

The people who have had a great impact on my life are those who have repeatedly altered the life they were living.  There are times we choose change and other times when life forces us to change.
If we go kicking and screaming into our new future,  years later we find ourselves surprised at how much meaning glistens from our life.  If we take courageous strides into the unknown, we eventually discover our very core and the realms we are able to travel.

The most earth changing movement, perhaps, is the action of traveling inward.  If a person delves into both their strengths and weaknesses, they become brave and courageous.  As we learn to love and respect our inner creativity, we stretch into far more than we ever expected.  Change repeatedly brings us closer to being a fully dimensional child of the Universe.

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