Monday, September 5, 2016

Before They Fray

"In the midst of movement and chaos
keep stillness inside you."
Deepak Chopra

There are many jewels that can be taken from us and we are challenged when stripped of our gowns.  We cling to our crown for as long as we can, but the inevitable falling from great white pillars can be seen by all.  This leaves us with nothing more than what we brought into life at birth, and perhaps this is where we will find the best tools of all.

We are born with wisdom that gently fades, and our keen awareness distinguishes repetitive words from loving care.  Although physically limited and highly dependent upon others, knowledge resides within the beginner's brain.  Watch the eyes of this new life.  As the babe awakens, the eyes are all consuming, capturing every detail seen and unseen.

So when losses have been many and names no longer resonate, we stand in our original skin wondering what it has all been about.  In the stillness within, we idly purvey wisdom and recall views once seen behind the veils.  The truth about living has been securely stitched into our memories. If we follow the colored threads before they completely fray, surely we will be led safely home.

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