Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Usefulness of the Useless

"What Lippmann crafts is a beautiful case for the usefulness 
of useless curiosity and courage, through the sieve of which
all truly useful knowledge and human achievement must pass."
Walter Lippmann 

A library or bookstore offers a reader a cross section of subjects to saturate the curiosity.  It is important to wander out of a comfort zone to gather pieces of information that appear to be unimportant.  If we allow the mind to entertain the unfamiliar wisp of insight, life eventually offers a significant way to apply it.

Nuggets of information flit through our minds daily, with some loitering, waiting to be recalled. Infants, pets, and boats have been named after characters in a book.  Fictional strategy improved with personal creativity resolves issues.  A  travel magazine mentions a location with slight detail, peaking an interest to where one might later relocate.  

A quote from Alexander Flexner: "... the usefulness of useless knowledge ..." encourages us to remember that every person carries a message.  It may seem meaningless at the moment, but at another point in time or when joined with an additional piece of unsolicited information, doors may open to endless manifestation.

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