Thursday, September 29, 2016

Unintentional Accidents

"The biggest coward is a man who
awakens a woman's love
with no intention of loving her."
Bob Marley

Men can be sensitive and kind just as women can be manipulative and unkind.  Both genders have the ability to bring out the best or worst in themselves and in others.  It is unfair to limit either gender with one label.  It is more accurate to observe the choices of each individual.

The sweetest child can be traumatized through darkness and turn on society with dangerous acts.   The neglected child can rise above all hardships and enhance society with learned wisdom.   The most faithful can betray while the least likely can perform a miracle.

It is ungodly to falsely project an intention of goodness while knowing it will bring pain.  To deliberately harm a person, place or thing lacks total respect for the Divine and ourselves.  Unintentional accidents occur, but they create opportunities of learning how to restore, forgive, and advance into  deeper understanding. With new depth, we can hopefully be more intentional with loving actions.

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