Thursday, September 1, 2016

In Silence At The Foot Of The Tree

"Let silence take you to the core of life."

This morning, I woke up agitated.  It must have been caused by a conflict in my dream.  Then I was highly annoyed by a squirrel hanging upside down on my bird feeder.  My skin turned prickly as I remembered it was garbage day and I had neglected to put my bin by the curb.

Escaping to my computer, I was drawn into the drama of politics, religions, and communities.  In my mind, people took on the images of horses wearing blinders, seeing only straight in front of them.  Then there was a damn donkey braying like an ignorant ass.

Saddened by my perspective, judgment and intolerance, I wandered outside.  I sat at the foot of a tree and let the sun shine down on me.  Watching the leaves gently blowing in the wind reminded me to just let go and not let anything cling to me.  Closing my eyes, I returned to my core where love overflows.  It washed away my intolerance and judgment, reminding me of the importance of just being me.

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