Sunday, September 4, 2016

Hollow Echo

"Sometimes surrender means giving up trying
to understand and becoming comfortable
with not knowing."
Eckhart Tolle

The wall of protection we build around ourselves deflects in coming blessings.  When asked to lay down our swords, we may feel hesitant. When the draw bridge is lowered, exposing our heart, we might feel too vulnerable.  Stepping out of the comfort of our kingdom, we hope to enter a safe haven.

Once there is an opening, we shift parts of our selves around until we feel balanced.  Withstanding the urge to withdraw, we are aligned with whatever openness surrounds us.  Our energies blend, and we experience comfort in simply being.

In a singular moment, our questions cease and our demand for answers are but a hollow echo.  In an instant all fades away and yet we see into eternity.  Without words, wisdom flows through our veins and our hearts join the Divine, embracing all there is.

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