Thursday, January 25, 2024

Authority and Command

"How would your life be different if you stopped worrying
about things you can't control and started focusing
on the things you can?"
Steve Maraboli

It is when we do not believe in ourself that we resort to manipulating situations. If we truly had faith in the self and a Divine plan, there would be a willingness to allow situations to unfold. When there is a sense that things are not going our way and we do not accept the fate, we rearrange what is meant to be, only to face the same discord later.

When we intervene, dodging the obvious outcome, we are simply postponing what we are resistant to face. Our energy would be best used by investing in new ways to proceed. Perhaps we do not have to relinquish the goal. Just because it is not naturally unfolding, it doesn't mean we should give up as there might be a better alternative.

An automatic reaction to discord is to tighten up as in taking control. Conversely, it would be beneficial if we stood back, loosening up, to speculate when it is time to let go. It is important to stand our ground, but not to the point of demolishing our soul. Great insight appears when we pause to reflect upon things we can actually control.

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