Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Learning in Silence

"Silence is a source of great strength."
Lao Tzu

It takes discipline to secure the time, to block out surrounding noises, and to end the monkey chatter of the mind in order to have silence. Our energy is used to communicate with neighbors, mentors, and friends when in reality, our most important conversation is the one we have with ourselves.

Sit for a moment, blocking out noises and entering the inner chambers of the heart. The heart is a passage way leading into the depths of all there is. As we remain perfectly still without an agenda, clarity comes to the surface with recognition of personal strengths, dreams, and goals.

As we learn to let go of outer expectations and deeply relate to our inner self, life tends to unfold offering guidance and higher perspectives. Removing all of the layers from the outside world, we begin to identify with our true purpose. Freely, we are able to move into new avenues, awakening methods of being a better human to the self and towards others.


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