Friday, January 12, 2024

Out of Control

"Every time it feels like the world is out of control, all I have to do is
look up, and I remember there is an order to everything."
Morgan L. Busse

Unexpectedly, negative words float through our thoughts, and our insecurities instantly awaken to absorb and chime in. What if we paused, asking where these remarks came from? When examined, very rarely are derogatory comments based in fact. Slanderous remarks usually stem from other's insecurities, not our own.

When heavy laden by fear and doubt, we find ourselves gazing down into darkness. If we happen to think to look up towards the sky and connect with the stars or moon or simple rays of the sun, we immediately feel uplifted. It is profitable if we can pinpoint if we are thinking of the past or the future, rather than being in the present moment.

We can ride the waves of energy in the present which ultimately attracts goodness.  Although life appears to be spontaneous, there really is a gentle underlying pattern that we can choose to follow. Maintaining flexibility to shift from moment to moment without getting ahead of ourselves or falling backwards, we remain steadfast in positivity.


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