Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Fight, Flight or Freeze

"After a traumatic experience, the human system of self-preservation
seems to go onto permanent alert, as if the danger might return at any moment."
Judith Lewis Herman

It is our natural human instinct to have a fight, flight or freeze response, but it is extremely limiting to our growth process. Fear does not recognize the degrees of danger and harmful reactions can trigger dis~ease. Withdrawal leads to isolation which in return reduces immunity and triggers cognitive decline.

If our fear based ego sees a threat in what is currently happening, we lose touch with the essence of the moment. Actually, we are not in the moment, but rather in our heads. The ego mind will desire to remove the self which will shift us away from center. In certain circumstances, we may dissociate entirely. 

Developing a mixture of awareness, sensitivity, and centeredness, will help us to minimize these negative responses. Releasing the past, withdrawing from excessive projections of the future, and remaining in the moment, will help us maintain equilibrium. Life will then return spontaneity and childlike wonder triggering a more joyful life experience.

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