Monday, January 22, 2024

Depths of Discord

"Outgrow yourself as many times as you need to
until you feel like you."
The Sole Romero

Unexpectedly, we find ourselves in darkness which is actually an integral part of our transformation. It is in this gloominess that our inner light shines on parts that need attention, resolving and healing.  If we become overwhelmed and lose our way, we will benefit from our memories of when we have previously climbed out of our shadows.

As we learn to shed the role of victim when gloominess falls, searching for the lesson becomes priority. As we gather pieces of the puzzle, we extend our awareness of a larger picture. Accepting that our shadows are not meant to hurt us, but to stretch us, our energy shifts us to new beginnings.

It is not how many times we have to crawl out of the depths of discord, but rather how many lessons we can learn and apply to enhanced living. It is through introspection and application that wisdom lights our way to becoming a better person.  Our contributions to this life experience become significant.


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