Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Chart A Course

"The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but
only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him
to put the other somewhat higher."
Thomas Henry Huxley

Goals are best accomplished when a structure of a plan is included. Our dreams don't just happen, they need an awareness and action. We do our best when we know what we are wanting to accomplish, who can assist, where it aught to take place, and how we want it to impact our lives.  

We need clarity as to what will be necessary for us to succeed with our vision. A time line and appropriate order of accomplishment of each step increases our advancement. Clarity is needed as to whether or not we are being realistic and if our vision is credible enough to be brought into our reality.

How will we know if we have attained our goal? Will we be mildly satisfied if only a portion of our goal is completed? When we take the time to study our progress or lack thereof, we can adjust our action. Perhaps we need more research or input from a trusted friend. Begin again and again with forward movement reaches the object of the exercise.

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