Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Triggered Inspiration

"In spite of everything I shall rise again; I will take up my pencil,
which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, 
and I will go on with my drawing."
Vincent van Gogh

Some people have comfort food for support, but I have comfort keepsakes like a rock I found on Maui or an old wool purse from Quebec.  Savored books encourage me, but true inspiration is triggered by watching the bright red cardinal perched in the snow covered bush outside my window. He sings and I listen with gratitude.

While thoughts circulate in the shadows of my mind, I choose to use my charcoal pencils to gently nudge thoughts into a physical presence. The art gum eraser easily removes lines that are too neatly aligned. Effort is made to simply let go, leaning into a newly discovered flow.

Creativity is not limited to artistic ability, but definitely linked to our ability to pay attention to what is not seen, to hear what is not spoken, and to feel what is not present. As we choose to heighten our imaginations, our energy increases, stimulating  wisdom to unleash our very soul.  


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