Sunday, January 21, 2024

Options and Choice

"At any moment, you have a choice,
that either leads you closer to your spirit
or further away from it."
Thich Nhat Hahn

There was a time for me that making the right choice was about whether or not to go to church on Sunday. Then there were seasons where I continuously tried to enhance the roles I played like mother, wife, or professional in my career. Somewhere along the line, my perception shifted to my inner being and how this was applied to navigation through life.

It is imperative to realize there is always choice, even though options may not be ideal. To decide upon an option triggers action which hopefully propels me forward. If I am integrated on the inside, my integrity is portrayed on the outside. To become one with spirit, actually makes living a positive journey.

Rather than choosing who to be in specific incidents, once centered, I can easily remain aligned with my authentic self. I am able to present as truth in all situations. No longer do I have to shift into other identities wearing masks to hide who I am at my core. Engaging with the world in union with my spirit allows my energies to flow.  


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