Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Eyes Have It

"The eye is a keyhole, through which the world
pours in and a world spills out. And for a few
seconds, you can peek through into a vault,
that contains everything they are."

Even in childhood, my awareness consistently navigated to the eyes for they were signals for how I could proceed. Was someone telling the truth or were they projecting a mask to hide what lingered within? When sharing, were emotions coming from the depths of the soul or were they merely being recited from shallow perceptions?

The eyes, I found, were like portals, an open passage way to the inner being. Often, when allowed, I could be transported through the eyes, reaching landscapes previously unknown to me. Emotions frequently came flowing out, unleashed actually, spilling out to be heard, accepted, and released.

Communication as my strength, I could speak into the eyes accompanied by deep emotions to heighten any exchange. It was rare for a person to actually notice what was transpiring, but the sense of safety and recognition was prevalent. But alas, being hoodwinked was disheartening, as it reflected a person's need to falsify and hide. 

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