Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Time For Dalliance

"The moods of love are like the wind and none
knows whence or why they rise."
Coventry Patmore

Bring to mind all of the things you love to do. Some may be whimsical while others more contemplative. Others may be costly, but some may be totally free. Just thinking of these things, stirs a sense of joy resulting in a shift in our mood. Then we begin to tell ourselves that we don't have time for such dalliance, we need to be more productive.

When we grab odd moments in time and leisurely express our creativity, our energies will become stronger which then enables us to move forward happily throughout our day. It is interesting to note what part of our ego restricts and ridicules our interest in these small acts of pleasure.

When we lovingly feed our energies to utilize pockets of time our daily activities become stimulating and joyful. Overcoming resistance, we can allow ourselves gentle approval to indulge our imagination by being unleashed, authentically expressive, and childlike. Our ego is no longer driven by perfection, as it begins to thrive with joy. 


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