Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Footprints Upon The Path

"As long as you keep on walking on the old path,
you will never have footprints on the new path."
Mehmet Murat ildan

When we are not getting to where we want to go, it is imperative to take extra time to visualize where we want to go. Like picking up litter, take hold of outdated thoughts and discard them. Cease to look down at over worn tread marks and gaze up into the sky with an open heart and mind.  

When we are feeling discouraged or depressed, new light does shine on possibilities, but we must be paying attention. Suggestions circulate around us and with courage we gain renewal through introspection. Think outside of the box, travel the path less taken, and quit projecting an outdated version of the self.

We do not need an specific identity as we enter a new passageway, nor do we need to have a concrete plan. It is more important to hold positive intentions to discover and develop new ways of interacting with our world. As we fully embrace and accept who we are healing begins and we begin to see our life anew.

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