Wednesday, February 8, 2017

To Be Restored

"I've always had enough,
even if my enough and your enough
are as different as an elephant and a minaret."
Catherynne M. Valente

What about love, I ask?  How much is enough?  Do we habitually give until we are depleted?  Are we 'gimme pigs' slurping up everything for ourselves? When do we know we are fully saturated or lacking for more?

How does one know if they are suffocating in a relationship or if a person is dying on the end of the vine?  Is there a way to detect if there is too much emotion or not enough fire? Is there a scale for measurement or a thermostat for adjustment?  Doesn't relationship infer two?

I believe we must depend upon detecting the answers with our personal inventory.  We must be in touch with our inner feelings and understand what we need.  Then we move on to whether or not we are receiving what we desire.  If affirmations present themselves, then we can focus on being the best partner we can possibly be.  It is in the giving we might hopefully receive and be restored.

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