Thursday, February 9, 2017

Differing Rhythm of Strangers

"I want to learn how to speak to anyone at any time to make us both feel
  a bit lighter or richer with no commitments of ever meeting again.  I want 
to learn how to stand wherever with whoever and still feel stable.  I want 
to learn how to unlock our minds, my mind, so that when I hear opinions
or views that don't match up with mine, I can  still listen  and understand.
Charlotte Eriksson

Total strangers can deliver unexpected wisdom to us, impacting our lives deeply.  The information seemingly coming out of nowhere meets no resistance and becomes lodged in our minds.  As we never see this stranger again, there are no available answers to our questions.  We can either seek additional knowledge or choose to disconnect.

With our barriers down, unanticipated conversations can bury nuggets of treasure.  Little shards of gold slowly surface after the stranger has long passed.  As they float up to our consciousness our curiosity is drawn to the shining treasure. The opportunity to pursue the golden thought is totally up to us.

Strangers may be angels sent from the Divine hoping to side step our rigid thinking and closed minds.      Synchronicity grabs our attention and alters the rhythm of the daily grind.  Caught off guard, we may be more receptive to the differing rhythm of strangers.

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