Saturday, February 18, 2017

Magic of Sacred Equation

I've been fighting to be who I am all my life.
What's the point of being who I am, 
if I can't have the person who was worth 
all the fighting for?"
Stephanie Lennox

Life leads us into flowering meadows and murky swamps as we develop the power of choice.  We have the authority to linger or move along, independent of others demands, distractions, or motivations.  Our energy is misspent chasing after illusions, instead of investing the energy in self-discovery.

Once we create a sense of self and hone in on strengths while healing setbacks, we move forward attracting who we need to enhance our best interest.  If we are chasing after some entity known or unknown, we are wasting our time.

Time spent convincing a friend or a lover of our worth is misspent.  The very act of aggression displays disrespect for the self.  We dishonor who we are by adjusting or minimizing for the sake of one other.  When we stand in appreciation of our unique self, positive energy attracts us to others  also wishing to reflect personal goodness.  Chasing, bartering or remaining small never enters the magic of  sacred equation. 

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