Friday, February 17, 2017

Human Blemish, Sacred Pearl

"When you stop expecting people to be perfect,
you can like them for who they are."
Donald Miller 

Friends and relations were placed up on a pedestal.  I would marvel at their brilliance and dance in the reflection of their bountiful glow.   As they were human, however, they would eventually fall from grace in the smallest of ways; and I would be dumbfounded.

Over the years, I began to realize I saw people in their spiritual light and not as they were in their daily human suit.  I would sense sacred goodness and expectations excelled.  When human frailty was observed, I would feel emotionally disillusioned.  The flaw, of course, was my own.

I still view people in spiritual light, but remain aware of human roles they play ... primarily my teachers.  My triggers ignited by others are my issues waiting to be resolved.   I now can look beyond the  human blemish and discover the sacred pearl.

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