Saturday, February 11, 2017

Unlock Passageway

"No obstacle is so big that one person
with determination can't make a difference."
Jay Samit

Living life as a hermit may increase spiritual experience, but it blocks the human experience which is the point of living.  If we keep our heads bent low, we do not see depth in the eyes of others.  When not paying attention, we do not notice the freedom in the child running.  Not looking upwards to the sky, deprives a person from the image of light spreading in the darkness.

Obstacles do not budge if we simply ignore them.  They do not vanish from sight.  Even if we master by-passing them, they will easily present in a differing form or location.   The hardship carves a learning experience needed in the development of self.  The hindrance enhances our ability to become stronger in the face of interference.

Stumbling blocks help build a concrete foundation.  With creative resolution, we can place each challenge in a stable place enhancing our awareness of personal strength.  Our confidence grows as life's obstacles continue to confront us.  Determination is the key to unlocking any blocked passageway.

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