Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Beauty of the Moment

 "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."

We are drawn to a particular form of beauty, touching our body, mind and soul.  The image is carried with us for endless days, and never diminishes in luster, shape or meaning.  We do not even bother to ask our companion, "Did you see that?"  We already know the magical display was for our eyes only.

Deep in the reservoirs of our minds, there are crevices filled with illustrious images extracting our  attention for no apparent reason.  We are perhaps touched by color or object, but the real draw comes from what is left unsaid.

There is a certain glint in the eyes of a child or the tilt of the head of a beloved pet.  Perhaps a brief glimpse of an image not really there or a voice so rare hair stands on the back of the neck.  These translucent times are followed by a silence, allowing time to digest the experience, knowing no one else has seen the beauty of the moment. 

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