Thursday, February 23, 2017

Dream Journey

"My imagination functions much better 
when I don't have to speak to people."
Patricia Highsmith

Visions appear unexpectedly and cannot be appropriately expressed in the verbal form.  With flowing words the senses awaken to what is not said. The picture painted with each written stroke takes dream shape settling into the memory banks in vibrant color.

Energy seeps front the experience when it is translated into the spoken word.  The imagery fades, as the senses cannot remain awake when lulled by such a lower current.  The pitch of the voice may add excitement, but the frequency does not emit the expansiveness of the dream.

Which spoken words best express being the eyes of a hawk in flight or the sensation of being the foam on the ocean wave when the tide rolls in?  So much is lost as I speak of being the ripple of a silk scarf dancing in the wind.  Close both eyes and beckon Spirit to transport the mind upon a dream journey, words will never describe.

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