Friday, February 3, 2017

The Library

"We are not here to match and homogenize and agree on every point.
One size of spirituality does not fit all.  We are here to be our divine
selves, boldly, passionately, respectfully, to the absolute best of our
ability ~ and this, this is more than enough."
Sera Break

Remember me, please, as a library.  Think of me having numerous shelves with volumes of information not always running parallel.  My words found on numerous pages may be conflicting and yet, remarkably spot on.  Chapters may be repeated, but they have been slightly altered casting a different point of reference.

In one section of the library, I may be sharing how I have changed dramatically over the years, while in a different section documenting how I am very much the same person as when I was born.  Glancing down the rows, it is obvious that I wear colored jackets, some torn by heavy wear.  If the cover you find is pristine, put it back and select a book reflecting endurance and wear ability.  

I claim all of the words I have written and reluctantly acknowledge those still waiting to take form.  I have taken great joy in being the sliding library ladder riding back and forth between what matters.  As I age, however, the singular words of 'I love you' remain constant on my breath.

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