Monday, February 13, 2017

Electric Shock to the Soul

"Sometimes the slightest things change the direction of our lives,
the merest breath of a circumstance, a random moment that connects
like a meteorite striking the earth.  Lives have swiveled and changed
direction on the strength of a chance remark."
Bryce Courtenay

Any word expressed has the potential to harm or to heal and how we receive it alters the meaning.  Words overheard in a conversation or a script written upon a wall can change the course of our lives as dramatically as an electric shock to the soul.

Words impact life daily.  The written word carries dreams, fears, and truth.  The spoken word expresses  creativity and invests in exchanges with others.  The living word nudges  perceptions to open to the vastness of possibilities.

If we exclusively listen to our rhetoric cloistered in our den, our visions and actions will become stagnant without fresh input from what is being spoken out in the world.  Words spoken by others can stimulate our greater understanding or increase extensive pursuit of personal truth.  Whether a bolt of magnetic connection or the distant sound of a whisper, grab a hat and prepare for travel!

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