Monday, February 20, 2017

Undivided and Coupled

"Through every word runs power.  
That power is real whether you believe it or not."
Sonia Choquette

To think of one's mind as a deep well is an interesting concept.   Dropping down into the dark hole, we leave intentions, expectations, and focus behind.  We allow time for our eyes to relax, our body to release stress, and our minds to just be silent.

Our senses escalate and we move outside of the body and into the vastness of the well.  Suspended in time and space, our awareness is tickled by unknown objects and amazing fragrances from our past. Our thoughts begin to gather images and we become a glowing orb.

The extension of the mind becomes empowered to experience at will any realm beyond the veil. Carefully exploring, we are empowered by Divine Light reminding us we are light and love undivided and coupled with all.

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