Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ascending ...


Give up defining yourself ~
to yourself or to others.
You won't die.
You will come to life.

"Oneness With All Life"
Ekhart Tolle

Society tends to feel better if it labels us, so we feel pressured into having a well packaged identity.  In order to do such a thing, we gather experiences that will support the label society will accept.  This is somewhat like placing the carriage before the horse.   

Life would be more positive, perhaps, if we first looked at our own personal strengths.  If we could identify our authentic gifts and how we uniquely apply them, we could then match this criteria to a creative  label of our own.   Rather than feeling stifled and unfulfilled, we could enjoy the freedom to manifest our visions.  We discover our personal definitions through being still, contemplation, prayer, or nature.

We all have experienced the family gathering where a young child will express what they want to be when they grow up.  The adults laugh openly ... "You'll never make any money doing that!  That is a stupid idea!"  ... and the child feels squashed and shamed.  In reality, many of our exceptional inventors, writers, artists, scientists, and entrepreneurs defied the 'nay sayers' by remaining a visionary in their own private space. 

Often times, the worst 'nay sayers' are the ones we hear in our head.  The voices  critique us, judge our ideas, minimize our abilities  and cripple our strengths.  Experiences such as these need to be followed by an ascension. 

The word ascension has been bantered around with various definitions.  In this context, we are looking at an emotional or spiritual cleansing allowing us to rise out of our personal den of negativity, leading us to a higher level of comprehension, action, and well being.

To pull our selves out of the complexity of life time negativity and restraint, takes diligence and awareness.  We must learn to be aware of our inner and outer sensors, to rephrase our inner most thoughts, and to maintain our personal and spiritual power.  It is a process, but a worthy one at that.  A process that requires being present with our selves.

If there are images we hold of our selves we have yet to address, get busy.  There is no time like the present to begin our hearts desires.  If we happen to be  an accountant with hidden musical desires, make a plan.  Use time management to find time for lessons even if once per month.  If we cannot arrange this, then we can commit to listening to our favorite composers live or otherwise.  We can attend community musicals, operas, or orchestras to keep feeding our musical desires until we reach a place in time where we can make our dream a reality.  If we are dedicated mothers with out personal space, take children to the YMCA/YWCA or youth programs offering an art or drawing class or yoga for adults with children.  When we manifest just a portion of our vision, we begin our true path to what awaits within.

When we exit the darkness of not fulfilling our spirits, our lights grow stronger and we ascend into a space that supports our desires.  This may take time, but it is an exciting journey!  When we are finally creating our hearts are filled with joy.  Our self-worth increases and we transcend the den of negativity ... by being still, by developing our skill, and by taking flight!

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