Friday, January 25, 2013

Path of Understanding

If you intend to be of assistance, your eye is not upon the trouble but upon the assistance, and that is quite different. When you are looking for a solution, you are feeling positive emotion— but when you are looking at a problem, you are feeling negative emotion.

--- Abraham

When we were much younger and a challenge would come our way, our disconnect with spirit at the time, allowed us to get stuck in the emotional make up of the challenge.  We would be frozen in time asking why life was so unfair.  We would swaddle ourselves with fear and other overwhelming emotions.  Our energy would flow right out of us. 

Now  that we are better connected with the theory of all being one, our responses to challenge have changed increasingly.  At first impact, we may experience fear, but we realize that fear is an illusion to be walked straight through to accept the wisdom awaiting us.

We immedidately begin to use our positive energy in finding solutions.  Not a quick fix, but a resolve that will serve all concerned.  As we are all one, we know that others have experienced the same challenge or may experience it at another time.  We do not hide or ignore pressing issues which only compounds the problem.  We seek out mentors or those we respect to brainstorm, knowing others who have experienced the challenge, may have a lot to share that will indeed help us resolve challenges in a more timely manner.

There are some challenges unique to our self causing us to be present or be still or go within.  Some solutions can only be found in solitude.  But with a positive attitude, knowing there is a lesson in every one of life's challenges, we can feel validated when we reach the other side, having conquered the situation. 

When we reach out to others, do not add to the negativity already building.  Try to remain positive reminding the person of their personal resources and encourage them in deciphering a plan of action.  The real question is "How can I untangle this problem resulting in the best possible solution advancing me on the path of understanding?"

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