Saturday, January 19, 2013

Consequencs of a Wish Come True

Just because we don't understand doesn't mean that the explanation doesn't exist.
Madeleine L'Engle

This morning I filled the coffee maker and stood by the kitchen window to check on the little birds.  They have taken over a bush outside the window and they are my morning inspiration.  I was surprised to not see even one little bird in the bush.  I was disappointed.  While I waited for the coffee pot to finish, I continued glancing around the yard.  At the foot of the bush was a hawk!

Hawks and I go way back.  They have been my 'totem' for years and I am always excited to see one, and I see them often.  So I immediately sent light to this hawk, welcoming him to the yard and sending him protection for the day.  It was very apparent that he was in a very watchful mood as his body was stock still, but his small head kept rotating, observing all parts of the yard surrounding him.  I patiently watched him as I knew he would not stay much longer and sure enough, he spread his powerful wings taking flight.

Whenever I have seen a hawk, I always receive a message of sorts.  I wondered what I would be learning today.  As I glanced back to the now vacant spot, I thought I saw a feather!  Oh how wonderful if the hawk had left a feather for me!  I would love to have it.  Wrapping my heavy robe around my pajama's, I dashed out the back door.  In my winter slippers, I  carefully tread across the ice on the deck and ventured to the small spot next to the empty bush where I hoped to find a feather.  A feather to treasure!

I stood very still as the moments slid by while my mind grasped what was before my eyes.  Yes, feathers were everywhere, but they had belonged to a little bird and not the hawk.  This was a killing scene, not a treasure trove.  I knew the hawk was long gone, but my sad eyes searched for the birds, big and small, usually gracing the yard.  None were  to be seen.

There are so many issues around death and dying, and grief and loss, as we as humans do not have the full knowledge of life or death.  With animals, we can console ourselves with acceptance of the the natural food chain, but when the loss is human and much more personal, devastation can distort all we hold dear.

So what was the message the hawk presented today?  What we wish for (a hawk to visit my yard) does not always take into consideration the consequences of the wish come true ...

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