Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Writers Retreat 2013

Encourage, lift, and strengthen one another.  For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all.  For we are connected, one and all.

Deborah Day

The day our writers group decided to plan an all day retreat, I was not in attendance, but I was exhilarated just by the thought!  Imagine, an entire day to be inspired, encouraged, and surrounded by wisdom.  And of course there would be food!

A simple agenda was put together and each of us committed to being responsible for different aspects of our day. Our space was offered to us by the mother of one of the writer's.  What a blessing! We were quarantined in a writer's haven for private roaming, stimulating conversation, and quiet contemplation.  We met our needs ... cinnamon rolls and coffee or tea; homemade squash soup with various root veggies;  grilled muenster  cheese on marbleized pumpernickel bread; spinach salad with avocados, and fresh raspberries; chips and salsa; fruit platter; and brownies to die for!  Yes, our bellies were filled, but our souls over flowed!

Gathered around the table, I breathed in the energy of each present woman.  None of us are the same age, none of us are particularly alike one or the other, none of us do the same thing in life, and yet there is an undeniable bond holding us together.  We each bring something unique to our writers table without competition, criticism or negative intention.  For each other we hold a space where we can be vulnerable, uncertain, expose our inner doubts and share our spiritual gains. 

There were tears to be shed, but each droplet reflected the beauty of a heart so gently squeezed.  Self-disclosure sat in the middle of the table numerous times, supported by acceptance, understanding, and new perspectives.  Random and impromptu writings amazed us all as we listened to the beauty of our blended words.
We held space at the table for those who were not physically present, and their energy was felt by all.

In the last minutes gathered around the writers table, we quietly reflected on our own transformation from the day.  We searched the eyes of each other with gratitude and thanksgiving.  We each felt the tug of the bond binding us together.  Somehow we all acknowledged what we do for ourselves, we do for each other. Our writings, our courage, and our creative  energy is offered for the benefit of one and for all. 

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