Thursday, January 10, 2013

Be A Voice, Not A Victim

 ... I began to identify and order my emotions, and to develop a sense of inner power that allowed me to move through life not as a victim who constantly reacted to the destructive actions of others, but more as a creative individual who continued moving through life despite the actions of others around me.  I was learning that the power center that motivated my life did not exist outside of me, nor was the power held by anyone around me.  It was inside me, and no one could diminish its potency unless I allowed them to.
Machaelle Small Wright
Behaving As If The God In All Life Mattered
A child is impacted by his or her surroundings whether it is of poverty or wealth.  Likewise, the child is impacted by whether or not he or she is abused, neglected, shamed or encouraged.  The child's behavior will be impacted by whether or not the teacher sets the example of revenge or resilience.  Without any sense of power, the child will surely face an upward battle in life, struggling with trust and safety issues.
Once a child gains a sense of self-control, he or she can stop reacting and begin to act.  Once one can clearly see there is choice in all things (not necessarily good choices, but choices), he or she will no longer feel the sting of victim.  Although this is only one step in a long process leading to self-empowerment, it is vital.
Instead of reacting out of fear, a person can pause long enough to question what action would be in his or her best interest.  Knowing there is choice, life is no longer happening to a person, but rather the individual is responding to it.  If, however, feelings are allowed to grow numb, the erosion will wear down all sense of self. 
Generally speaking, a victim does not see choice nor does he or she use his or her voice.  Start speaking up, even if no one hears you.  You will hear the sound of your voice and it will slowly empower you to speak more and more.  With voice comes self-respect and honor.  Speak your truth using your newly found inner strength.  Be proud of the voice God has given to you!


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