Sunday, January 6, 2013

Synchronicity and Magic

Dear God ...
Help me to let go of
the me that was,
and begin again as a better self ...

Marianne Williamson

There was a time when it was difficult for me to get through an hour let alone a day, a month or a year.  Fear held me frozen in place and if it were not for my children, I would have given up all together.  Thankfully, those days are behind me and I no longer view my self as powerless.

In every minute of any given day, I have the choice to begin again.  I have the power to change plans, ideas, or what I think, say or do.  I just need to be mindful to do one thing at a time rather than taking every thing on at once which ultimately leads to defeat.

When I stay connected to Divine Spirit through contemplation, walking in nature or just by being still, I am guided towards what is best for me.  Through creative visualization, I can imagine what life might look like if I were confident, loving, and spontaneous.  As I adjust my attitude and outlook,  I begin to perceive life as more peaceful and calm. 

Being a better self is not the same as striving for perfection which quite frankly would be exhausting.  Being a better self is doing the very best you can at every given moment.  It is taking a breath before a response or pausing prior to an action. (I can hear you now, "I can't waste all that time!")  This leads us to an important point  ... choice. 

Opportunity presents itself each and every day for us to improve who we are, but we must be expectant and aware.  When we rush through our day, we miss available synchronicity waiting for us.  When we make the deliberate choice to slow down, magic begins to appear. 

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