Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Small Mantra

"You see," he said, "all people are holy.  Whether they recognize it or not is not important.  Whether you recognize it in them, that's very important.  When you see every person as innocent and holy you change yourself and you change the world."

Jessica Maxwell

Together we can and must change the world.  If we begin with our selves, the change will be gradual yet consistent.  Start small and our ideas will sprout and blossom into changing the design of the surrounding world.  Begin with a small mantra like, "Peace be with you," silently offered as we pass each other by.  Graduate to a meaningful expression extended to those passing by.  Perhaps a smile with a sincere petite greeting, "Good day!"

One day I had an appointment with the social security office.  I of course was early and their appointments were running way late.  I was nervous and anxious and clearly did not want to be sitting in this line of chairs with other irritable people.  With out any other distractions, I decided to send silent messages of peace and calm to anyone near me.  I visualized light spreading further and further into the room of gathered  impatient people.    Finally, my number was called.

Business finished, I practically ran out of the building to be in the fresh air.  When I headed towards the parking lot, I felt pelts of rain splashing on my face.  Amazing!  We had not had rain for weeks.  I turned to the gentleman walking beside me and said, "What is this stuff?" He laughed and replied, "I don't know, but quit hogging it!"

These small acts are just a few examples of how we can initiate change without spending additional time or money.  Although appearing trivial, I do believe that our actions set the tone for those around us.  It is time we start seeing people again as having worth, deserving of honor and respect.  Even if for a brief moment, if we are willing to stand present in the life of an other, our witnessing will initiate good will between us all.

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