Saturday, January 26, 2013

In the Palm of Our Hand

Where your pleasure is, There is your treasure;
Where your treasure, There is your heart;
Where your heart, There is your happiness.

Saint Augustine

There are times in our life when we just have to accept a job to generate money whether we like the job or not; however, we must not give up our search for what we desire.  There is a saying 'if you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life."   If we have a low tolerance for our job, our attitude will reflect it, and our quality of life is poor ... no matter how much money you are making.   If we are not making as much money as we would like, but doing a job we love our health can be better and our daily existence happier.

If we have passion for our work, we still face challenges and difficult times, but there is something to be said for self-respect and honoring our gifts and talents.  This is especially true if our passion shines through our work impacting others with positive energy.

Sometimes life requires us to participate in employment that will not enable us to access our life's desire, such as:  play in a band, music lessons, art lessons, furthering education or volunteering.  We each deserve (if we really apply ourselves)  to maintain a comfortable life style.  If we do not secure a supportive financial income, our money problems will suck up  our creative juices.

There are times when we have to postpone our passion until our family is raised or our schooling is complete or an advancement arrives.  It is a matter of priorities.  Retirement offers many an opportunity to return to the arts ( woodworking, painting, music), to social issues (volunteering, community projects, mentors), or a simple life (reading, traveling, gardening).  In order to do any of these things, we must work hard to establish some sort of financial stability early on.

We hold our future in the palm of our hand.  We quietly examine what we hold dearly.   There are many roads to travel, but we each must determine which feels like the best fit with the willingness to change and adapt.  If we try and do not succeed, there is plenty of opportunity to begin again.  Don't hesitate to ask for insights and be patient.  Keep an open line to God and really listen for the right connection!

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