Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Color Your Day

Forget the past

It’s just a dream you keep alive by dreaming
A bubble that wants to hit the ground and burst
But which you keep afloat by thinking.
The past is only a tail
You keep dragging behind you
Collecting dust and dirt
Until it’s so heavy with bitterness and regret
It stops you moving forward.
You don’t have to sit there and watch
While the scenes of your past play back
The tragic-comedy of your life
Simmering with hurt and envy
Shuddering with embarrassment
Stabbing yourself with pangs of regret.
There is no past
There are only memories of events
And every memory is refracted through
A hall of mental mirrors
Until whatever once was true
Dissipates and disappears
Like vapour trails fading in the sky.
So cut the tail, and cut the tale
Turn the mental projector off
Don’t strain your eyes trying to see through the fog
When the panorama of the present stretches
Clear and bright around you.

by Steve Taylor

Every day is a new day or a new opportunity to begin again.  As we shower of a morn, we can visualize washing off all negativity, all heaviness from the past.  We can change our morning routine or navigate a different way to work.  We can create a new communication with those who surround us by setting our attitude and tone to a higher level of interest. 

At lunch we can view our surroundings as though we had new glasses to look through.  Keep looking until we find something we have never noticed before whether it is minimal or magnificent.  Begin the afternoon with a new sense of energy and an eagerness to do your best.

On your way home, recall only the good aspects of the day.  Find a different route home and notice as though it were the first time to view the neighborhood.  Upon arrival home, mix it up.  Maybe turn on some music before we begin our evening habits.  If we are alone, maybe take an early soak in the tub with a nice cup of hot tea or a very red Chablis.  If we have family surrounding us, invite them to assist in dinner preparation and encourage conversation about their day.  Let our thoughts wander through their day and really listen without trying to solve problems.

As we retire into our bed for a long night of sleep, journal or read a favorite poem or do yoga's lazy child's pose to stretch your back and deepen our breath.  While waiting for sleep, think in colors and fantasize what wonderful really looks like.

In the morning, begin again.  Get into the spirit of things and get really creative with changes for another new day.  How many tiny changes can we make each day before we realize we color our day either by dark thoughts from the past or vibrant colors of no limitations!

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