Saturday, November 4, 2023

Bravery Appears

"When we allow our bravery to appear, it's interesting
how we create a shift and a ripple."
Lee Harris

There are times, whether at work or in a circle of friends, we feel a tickle urging us to speak up. Too often, we swallow this feeling in an effort to avoid confrontation. What if, however, we coated our words with compassion and spoke with kindness? Maybe we unknowingly would be bringing insight or comfort to others who happen to be listening.

When we override the misconception that our thoughts are lesser than someone else's, we may experience an influx of confidence. There is an equal chance of benefit for the self as well as for others. It is when we remember that we are often a messenger for the betterment of family, friends, or community, we freely speak our truth.

When we are courageous with our voice and actions, we experience a shift in energy. Our bravery increases as we begin to navigate conversations with authentic insights and responses. If we allow our inner energies to flow into the outer world rather than being repressed, we learn from ourselves as well as others.

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