Sunday, November 5, 2023

Fellow Travelers

"I have found that if you love life,
life will love you back."
Arthur Rubinstein 

Life challenges us to live from a place of love which is formatted by remaining aligned with our energies and dreams. Unpacking our emotional baggage assists in eliminating unnecessary boundaries and irregular rhythms within our intended flow.  Self-care and nurturing are ingredients to shore up our mental and emotional health producing love.

If we can sustain love within us, enough will gather to overflow into our surrounding environments. Our essence of love can impact those who surround us and it can be extended out into the world. Love not only lifts our spirits, but assists in keeping us healthy, active, and contributing to peace.

A sense of freedom develops and wisdom begins to surface. Compassion replaces judgment and acceptance dismisses the need for division. With increased harmony, love flows through all aspects of living, allowing us to maintain a higher lens of clarity. We begin to see each other as fellow travelers following the light of love. 


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