Monday, November 6, 2023

Know Thy Self

"How could I ever be lonely when I am with my own best self?"
Anoir Ou-Chad

Turning within, exploring personal strengths and authentic gifts does not turn us into self-absorbed people. As we invest in our lovely selves, inner happiness and confidence soars rippling out into the surrounding environment. When we honor our true nature, our light is fueled and we attract significant enhancement into our life.

We must know ourselves first in order to attract supporting knowledge, events, and actions. As we grow aware of our individualistic qualities, the strength to be whole occurs. We are  less likely to view life through the eyes of a victim when we are filled with a greater sense of power and freedom.

Within a heart-based life, we thrive on connectivity with the earth, living beings, and spiritual wisdom. Being guided by our true nature, we face discord and challenge accepting it is providing us with lessons. When personal endurance, success, and gifts are recognized, we can proudly celebrate who we are and what we have to offer out into the world.


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