Sunday, November 19, 2023

Pain Activated

"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all 
living things, man will not himself find peace."
Albert Schweitzer

Families will be drawing together for Thanksgiving celebrations. As they draw near, old memories begin to surface uncovering unhealed parts of the self. Even if we have moved on, crossing barriers on our own accord, pain may still be activated within our hearts. It can be generated by loss, abuse, judgment or inability to change.

Knowing that we cannot change others nor alter the past, we can bring our dark shadows to the light. Without criticism, we can honor how we feel without the need to gain anyone's approval. Often, we cannot help how we feel, but we certainly can wisely choose how we react, especially if we move forward with peace.

Whether gathering with friends or family, let love fill the body, mind, and soul. Simply be present without feeling the need to comment. Do not stress about appropriate responses, as all one needs to do is maintain eye contact with a gentle smile. If we cannot generate peace in our own space, how in the world will be stimulate world peace!

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