Wednesday, November 29, 2023

No Longer Waiting

"A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an
appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more."
Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Sit back and imagine what could bring joy into this ordinary day. Hold a vision in the mind's eye of what might contribute to activating personal wisdom. Expand the images of these thoughts by blending them with sensations from the heart. Foster original insights as possible opportunities to be unfolded now, rather than limited to future opportunities. 

The deeper we invest in our visions, the more creative our perspectives become. When we are precise rather than singularly lofty, our vision begins to take accurate form. Combining the mind with the heart, the visionary embellishes through the use of music, nature, and poetic inspirations. 

Once our creativity is unleashed without critical restraints, day dreams begin to take form in our ordinary lives. Future aspirations become present day occurrences. We are no longer waiting for futuristic bliss. Day time occurrences are accented by nighttime revelations and we are no longer stuck waiting for future expectations.

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