Wednesday, November 22, 2023


"Don't bury your thoughts. Put your
vision to reality. Wake up and live!"
Bob Marley

As Thanksgiving draws near, some of us are resisting the family gathering while others are saddened by not having a family get together. Either way, emotions surface and they need to be addressed. The approach to be 'above' our feelings is harmful. Repressing how we feel contributes to dis~ease and disharmony. 

When we plan our schedules, it is helpful to build in a time-out to regroup, rebalance, and simply take in fresh air. Stepping outside helps us to remember that those who surround us contribute to our life, but it really is Diving Spirit who holds us safely in sacred space. Do not allow other people the power to determine who we truly are. 

Breathe in deeply, bringing in fresh perspective while breathing out critical thoughts based in fear. Bring to mind what we are truly thankful for and what really needs to go. When we hold positive thoughts in our minds, we grow light hearted. We are then better prepared to face the strains of the day.


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